For My Girls
Below I will be sharing images of public figures to represent diversity and positivity ONLY!
The Never-ending Trend
Weight loss seems to be the majority of our conversations. It is definitely something to be celebrated when you have someone who has worked so hard to make changes. There are so many feeds dedicated to such things, and especially in these summer months.
What about those who just aren't satisfied though?
Body positivity is something females struggle with everyday (males are not to be excluded from this struggle, but as a female I won't speak for them) but we still try to find that 'comfortable' place. Yeah, there are models and fitness gurus saying to "love your body, and they aren't perfect either", yet it's hard to receive it from women already deemed what 'should' be beautiful or #GOALS.
You're always looking to improve something rather than appreciate what you have. Our body types are all different, so it's unreasonable to think we all will achieve the same 'ideal' shape... well naturally do it at least. We gain, lose, and tone at various rates/places, so love what you have regardless of the next person. No, it wont be an overnight quick fix to be at peace with yourself, but don't hinder the process by comparing yourselves to others. Some bodies are just meant to be thicker, skinnier, or curvier no matter how hard you exercise and diet.
If you don't learn to love your body you'll never be happy with it at any stage of your life. Oh, and lets stop saying we'll be happy once we reach that goal weight! It's your mindset/soul that dictates your happiness. Make sure whatever you're doing with your body image is for you and not based on what 'society' says you should look like, or your friends, family, boyfriend, etc. says either.
You are the only one who lives your life, so make sure you love it!
This topic has been on my mind for a while now, and it was kinda hard to actually sit down and right this out. So, I'm sure it's not perfectly stated, but I hope y'all understand where I'm coming from.
Remember to comment and subscribe below! Also, you can follow me on my Instagram @k_macole and Twitter @TheKMacole (#RatchetMonday: #LHHATL, #BasketballWives is my thing)!!
Awesome post 👏🏾
ReplyDeleteI struggled with body image for years. Who said having big thighs is not acceptable and what makes them the expert to say that having a small butt is no longer in or small boobs or a small gut. Just try your best to eat healthy 80% of the time and workout. Not everyone lives revolve around working out 3 times a day, just do what you can and I don't need your acceptance to love me the way I am, cellulite, stretch marks and all!!!
Great post. Nice to see ya back!